4 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (13 November)

By Noel Thorne /

In comics news this week, it looks like Storm will be getting her own series next year €“ the reveal came from Marvel's latest retreat. DC's Stormwatch could be the next New 52 title to fall €“ the recent solicits have #28 being the finale of a story arc and the next trade paperback is a whopping 288 pages. The large page count usually means DC want done with a series and put a ton of comics out in one go in a collected edition like this. The title €“ like so many DC titles these days €“ has had a rocky time with original series writer Paul Cornell leaving after the first story arc and the series floating around aimlessly before the legendary Jim Starlin came on board to turn the tide. Sales however have been slacking and the future doesn't look rosy for this Wildstorm team. The second issue of the eighth biggest selling comic last month, Sandman: Overture #1, will be delayed several months until February next year! The series was originally planned to be bi-monthly in order for artist JH Williams III to draw every issue €“ a fine trade, given Williams' exceptional work €“ though right away there will be a four month gap between the first and second issues, disappointing Sandman fans everywhere. Gaiman said on his Tumblr that his extensive signing tour was responsible and apologised to Sandman's many fans for the delay. Speaking of big sellers, Image beat out the Big 2 to claim the top spot with The Walking Dead #115 being the biggest selling comic of October. Rounding out the top five were all Event comics €“ second place went to Batman #24 (as part of Batman: Zero Year), third was Infinity #4, fourth was Forever Evil #2 and fifth was Infinity #5. Justice League #24, Superman Wonder Woman #1, Sandman Overture #1, took the next three places and rounding out the top ten were the two latest issues of Superior Spider-Man (so glad people are reading this amazing comic)! In comics related media, Thor: The Dark World opened big in North America, hopefully ensuring a third outing for the God of Thunder, and fans of Wolverine were treated to a look at the classic Wolverine outfit in a deleted scene to be on the forthcoming blu-ray/DVD! Unfortunately Hugh Jackman wasn't wearing it though Jackman and James Mangold are both in talks to return for a sequel to The Wolverine so there's hope that we'll see Logan in classic Wolverine getup in the next movie! DC announced their Vertigo series, iZombie, will be made into a TV show with showrunners from the Veronica Mars series helming it. Marvel one-upped them however by announcing four Netflix shows €“ Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones (one of these things is not like the other!). The four series will culminate in a team-up mini-series, The Defenders. During the blu-ray/DVD release event for Man of Steel, Snyder all but confirmed that Lex Luthor would be in the next Superman movie, and Zack Snyder said that the Man of Steel sequel, Batman Vs Superman, would look at how Superman feels about the highly controversial way he dealt with Zod. The host of the event, Kevin Smith, revealed Snyder had shown him a photo of Ben Affleck wearing the Batman outfit and said that it looked unlike anything we've ever seen before €“ but it's Batman: chances are it's black, moulded plastic! Those are the big comics news stories of the week €“ onto the most awesome comics that were released this Wednesday!