Spider-Man: 5 Theories About The Future Of Doc Ock

How the mechanical menace might make his return.

By Adam Snape /

If you were to ask someone who the most infamous Spider-Man villain was, you can be pretty certain that Doc Ock would be hovering around the top 3. In fact, I'd probably go as far as to say that he would be second only to Norman 'Green Goblin' Osborn. With the help of his mechanical arms he's been terrorising New York for almost as long as Peter Parker has been trying to save it and so it was fitting that he'd get his time to shine in The Superior Spider-Man, but that's not to say that the outrage that followed was also perfectly justified. Dan Slott was well aware that you can't kill off the star of your show and get away with it for too long and so even before issue #1 was over we got confirmation that Parker would be back before too long and after 31 issues we're back to normal, however this is a Marvel comic and graciously bowing-out is not how we do things so here we're going to look at some possibilities for how the mechanical menace will make his return. Click below to keep reading.