Batman Incorporated #9 Review - Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham

By Noel Thorne /

batmaninc9 Oh. My. Little. Chums. If you love Batman, you need to be reading Batman Incorporated - it is off-the-chain awesome. Waiting a month to see Batman€™s response after the final moment in issue #8 where we see him holding the corpse of Damian has been agony. It€™s been tough even knowing Batman€™s response - he is going to throw everything he€™s got left at Damian€™s killer. Which is maybe why it€™s so satisfying that we see that, in the coolest way possible. Batman, with bare hands and feet, takes on a guy in armour wielding a sword and gives him the everloving business! I€™m not saying the fight is completely one-sided but the explosive opening pages are pure adrenaline-pumping-exciting to read. Full credit to Chris Burnham as well for drawing action that feels like it€™s moving on the page - seriously, what an artist this guy is. Wherever this guy goes after this series is over, I€™m going with him. Interspersed between this sequence is Damian€™s funeral which is written really well. Bruce says something that sums up Damian€™s character perfectly - €œ(He was) a brief unforgettable thunderstoke€. This sequence is made all the more memorable with Bruce and Alfred€™s exchange of words. I won€™t spoil it but it€™s rare to see this kind of scene between these two characters. The funeral also proves, once again, how amazing Burnham is at drawing anything - this time it€™s, fittingly, pouring rain and it€™s brilliant. Yeah, even the weather in this book is great! All of this would€™ve been enough for this issue but Grant Morrison manages to get EVEN MORE into this comic. We get to see what Beryl€™s up to in the aftermath of Knight€™s death, and I loved what Morrison did with her character. I really like Knight & Squire so I hope like hell that DC doesn€™t abandon Beryl after Morrison leaves - she€™s too good to be forgotten. We get scenes with the rest of Batman Inc, see what the Mayor€™s response is to all of this chaos, and see what€™s happened to €œWingman€. And one of the most perfect Batman issues I€™ve ever read closes with a moment between Bruce and a certain character new to this series that€™s beautiful in its simplicity. It€™s silly but Morrison nails it and Burnham€™s expression on Batman€™s face made me cry. It€™s really that good. funeral Wow. This comic takes you on a journey and it is really damned emotional. Grant Morrison - I can€™t say enough what a loss it is that he€™s leaving Batman when this is the quality he€™s producing. I can€™t say enough good things about this run on Batman - pick 10 random superlatives and it€™s that. I take it back, there is one really awful, terrible thing about this comic - it€™s that we have to wait ANOTHER MONTH to find out what€™s happening next! Are you a Batman fan? Read this comic. If you ever wanted to know why Batman is the most popular superhero in the world, Grant Morrison€™s Batman Inc is all the reason you need. Moo. Batman Incorporated #9 is out now at your local comics shop and online at Comixology