Comic Review - Danger Girl: Revolver #3

Issue #3 of the new Danger Girl mini series arrives but this one might just be too dangerous for its own good.

By Marcus Doidge /

Book: Danger Girl: Revolver #3Written By: Andy HartnellPencils By: Chris MaddenPublisher: IDWRelease Date: OUT NOW IN STORES & DIGITAL DOWNLOAD (VIA COMIXOLOGY)Rating

Well this is not the issue I expected it to be. At the end of issue #2 we were introduced to our new Danger Girl Sonya Savage, so presumably this issue, the penultimate issue in the four issue run would be letting us get to know our new red headed archer and welcome her into the team but no this is not the case at all. Instead we are thrown forward to after the events of the last issue€™s cliffhanger and have the bad guys (one of which is very Samuel L. Jackson in design) recount what had happened with the Danger Girls and then all hell breaks loose aboard the train they are travelling on in a madcap action bonanza that moves a little too fast for its own good.


There€™s explosions and missiles and gunshots galore, a runaway train sequence that ends bluntly and in a way I€™m not 100% how the team survived and before you know it we€™re back on the boat with Deuce working out the next adventure, that revolves around a lot of rich treasure hunters getting together for a mega auction, at which the Danger Girls might be able to get the Sun Medallion back in order to save the lost tribe featured in the last issue. Phew, this one really does move at break neck speed unfortunately it's not in a good way. I have to say I didn't find this issue all that good. Sure it€™s easy to write off a title such as Danger Girl as all action and hot girls but generally this title comes with some back bone. A sense of movie inspired spectacle usually helps but here everything moves too quickly, leaves very little to be wow€™d by and suffers from throwing so much at the audience it€™s hard to grab hold of anything in the paper thin plot. The cartoony artwork didn€™t even click with me this time out either. In the first two issues I sort of appreciated what Chris Madden's work did for the style of Danger Girl but here it didn't feel like it clicked at all, feeling more chaotic and under played than I'd picked up on in the previous two issues. This chapter really just felt like fast food. It was just about enough while it lasted and filled a gap but beyond the return of a face from the Danger Girl's past at the end, this issue was pretty forgettable. I'm hoping the last chapter reigns it back in but given how much there is to sort out at this point I think we might be in for another race to the end as opposed to an enjoyable pay off. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
