Comics Review: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #2

Peter Parker who? That’s the feeling that Miles Morales' sophomore issue leaves me with, as Bendis and Pichelli slowly unravel more of this bold new world and, with each little taste, I find myself wanting more.

By Dean Threadgold /

Written by Brian Michael Bendis Pencils by Sara Pichelli Published by Marvel Comics Price: $3.99 In stores now!Peter Parker who? That€™s the feeling that Miles Morales' sophomore issue leaves me with, as Bendis and Pichelli slowly unravel more of this bold new world and, with each little taste, I find myself wanting more. In this chapter we€™re introduced to Miles€™ best friend, Ganke, a loveable geek who provides much of the comic relief and is sure to become a fan favourite. We also get a peek at more of Miles€™ spider powers which, at the very least, will heavily differentiate this all new Spider-Man from the previous incarnation. I am dying to see them used in action but, considering Bendis€™ signature decompressed style, we may have a while to wait. Those after a quick paced action story will need to look elsewhere, but for my money no other book this week contains as much character and heart. A key scene in which Miles and his father have a long overdue talk is as stunningly realised as any piece of serious drama, with everyone involved bringing their A-game to the table. Pichelli€™s visuals vividly bring Miles and his supporting cast to life, making each one of them instantly memorable and truly individualistic. Her portrayal of body language in particular is superb, with characters speaking volumes without needing to say even a single word. However, this being a Bendis script means they actually do speak an awful lot. Thankfully every line is perfect, without any of the usual indulgences that the notoriously wordy word-smith can occasionally be guilty of. Everyone involved is clearly working hard to ensure that this daring new take isn't just an exact clone of Peter Parker and, so far, they've been very successful. I€™m desperate to see Miles swinging from the rooftops now, and can only hope Bendis doesn€™t drag it out too long.
