First Green Lantern Alan Scott is DC Comics' New Gay Character?

Mysterious DC Comics "gay" character revealed?

By Matt Holmes /

Bleeding Cool are reporting that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, will soon be outed as a gay man. We had heard previously that an "established DC Comics character" would be re-introduced to the New 52 DC Universe as a homosexual, a depiction that would go against previous depictions. That had left comic fans in a frenzy of debate over just who the character would be but now, thanks to intel Bleeding Cool have heard from a reliable source at Phoenix Comic Con, the mystery could be over. Alan Scott was created way back in 1940 by Marty Nodell in All-American Comics #16 and was the first Green Lantern that preceded Hal Jordan and John Stewart. He was introduced as a superhero whose powers were obtained by a green flame. In the new 52 universe Scott appeared in the first issue of Earth Two earlier this month and seemingly will be outed as a gay man next month one of the "most prominent" gay heroes in the DC Universe. Meanwhile Marvel Comics will tackle gay marriage next month with the re-release of Astonishing X-Men #51, in which Northstar and his boyfriend Kyle Jinadu will wed.