Gideon Falls #10 Review

Seriously... what just happened?

By A.J. Carey /

Image Comics

This is the tenth issue of a truly special series that tells a really compelling story.


The premise of this particular issue is that we get a big history lesson on the town before the secrets of the Black Barn explode, as Father Fred and Norton finally come face to face within.

For those not familiar with Gideon Falls, the best way to describe the story is that it is a strange amalgam of the show Gravity Falls, where you have a town built on dark secrets, and Silent Hill, where the town itself seems to be actively combating those trying to find its secrets. You have to read it first-hand to understand what's happening, but one thing that isn't difficult is conveying just good a series it's been since releasing last year.

Image Comics

Dave Stewart’s coloring is great all throughout the book, with a washed out, faded feel that adds depth to just how bleak this town truly is, but Andrea Sorrentino is what makes this book. While Gideon Falls would probably work as a novel, Sorrentino’s sketchy rigid linework creates an atmosphere that no written words truly could. The best example of this, and how the artwork for comics equally affects storytelling, is in the panel layout and just what happens to get Father Fred and Norton face to face. It would be a spoiler to give anything else away, but the panels are laid out to best convey that something truly paranormal happened, with almost a double-helix knot occurring at one point.

Five out of five stars for the whole series so far! Lemire is in his element when making character-horror, and Sorrentino just brings the best dimensions to that.

Image Comics