Marvel Reveal New AVENGERS: X-SANCTION Mini-Series Featuring Cable

Written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ed McGuiness, was originally announced as 'Cable Reborn' way back in July and will start in December.

By Guest Writer /

Last night Marvel revealed their newest miniseries, Avengers: X-Sanction, that they say will set up major events for 2012. The biggest news from the reveal is that Cable, who died in 2010's X-Men: Second Coming, would return a to play a major role. The project, written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ed McGuiness, was originally announced as 'Cable Reborn' way back in July and will start in December. The series was revealed on the Marvel liveblog last night. Talking about the series, Jeph Loeb said "Ed and I were looking for, as we like to say, the next big thing, and I think a lot of folks who know my work know I have an enormous affection for Cable and not just his role in the X-Men universe but his role in the Marvel Universe proper." He also said he was "devastated" by Cable's death. He also added, while not trying to give too much away, "how Cable survived 'Messiah Complex' and 'Second Coming' -- and I do consider those one big arc -- if there had been even a hint that the Avengers had something to do with Hope's future, he would... do something to them." Cable has always had a huge fan-base, and it was always suspected that he wouldn't stay dead for long, but to have him brought back by such a high profile creative team, and been pushed to such prominence in the Marvel universe after years of occupying his own corner of the X-Men is intriguing. I for one can't wait.