Marvel Teases Spider-Man Event For June

Not to be out done by DC's announcement of Before Watchmen, Marvel have announced their own event for the summer: Spider-Men.

By Guest Writer /

Not to be out done by DC's announcement of Before Watchmen, Marvel have announced their own event for the summer: Spider-Men. But if they wanted to steal focus from what is possibly the biggest piece of comic book news of the year, releasing just a teaser poster, with no art or word on a creative team, wasn't the way to go. Unveiled on the Marvel website, the new storyline is teased for June. And thats it. It's intriguing, yeah, but not knowing what it's about or who is behind it, is making it hard for me to get excited about. We don't even know what universe it belongs to: the core universe of earth 616, or the Ultimate universe which currently changed the web slinger from Peter Parker to hispanic teen Miles Morales. Come to think of it, looking at the image, an interesting theory has entered my head. It is obviously the spider symbol in the picture, but it's slightly skewed. Looking at it closer, you can see it's made up of two symbols. The left hand side looks like the symbol adorning the costume of the 616 Spidey........ And the one of the right is similar to the Miles Morales symbol... Could this herald the long awaited crossover between the two universes. It had bee teased before with Mark Millar's Ultimate Fantastic Four storyline €œCrossover€ but that was a feint, and we given instead the Marvel Zombie universe. It's unlikely the two universes will collide, but not impossible. Who would have thought we would get a Watchmen sequel? Another theory, and maybe a bit more plausible, would be the return of the Ultimate Peter Parker, since he also used the symbol that the core universe Spidey did. I am no investigative journalist, and I could be way of base here. I guess we'll find out in June.