The Joker's 7 Most Compelling Potential Origins

"Do you wanna know how I got these scars?"

By Bryant Lucas /

The Joker has always had a notoriously ambiguous origin. As one of the greatest comic book characters of all time, the Joker has had hundreds of different writers, each with their own unique take on the Clown Prince of Crime. After various reboots, rewrites and retcons, DC eventually gave up on trying to create a definitive origin for the Joker and embraced the chaos inherent within the character. In Alan Moore€™s Batman: The Killing Joke, the Joker even admits: €œSometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another€ If I€™m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!€ This only proves that DC wants this character€™s origin to remain a mystery. Yet despite this mystery, there are some frequent (though not always consistent) elements within the Joker€™s back-story, which usually involve someone falling into a vat of chemicals, having their skin bleached and hair turned green, and suffering a severe mental breakdown. And while these are the most common elements of the Joker€™s narrative, the circumstances and identity of this individual remain inconsistent and mysterious. Recently, DC has changed its approach to continuity. Since the end of Convergence re-established an infinite multiverse, everything counts. Every version of every character through out the entire history of the DCU now exists in one form or fashion within the multiverse. This only complicates the matter even more, as every version of the Joker€™s origin is now potentially valid. Therefore, here is a quasi-chronological compilation of the seven most compelling, most likely origins of everyone€™s favorite Bat-Villain: The Joker. WARNING: There are Batman: Endgame spoilers ahead.