The Wicked + The Divine - 10 Most Shocking Twists

The greatest twists from the Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie comic.

By Ollie Dean /

Since 2014, readers have been captivated by the witty and enthralling world of The Wicked + The Divine and - now four years later - the end is finally in sight.


For those unfamiliar with the comic, WicDiv (as fans call it) is a critically acclaimed series by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie. The title sees gods reincarnated as pop stars, and, whilst readers might come for the high concept, it’s the complicated characters and deep mythology which keep them coming back for more. A crucial part of the comic’s utter addictiveness is down to the creators’ ability to craft some genuinely shocking twists.

These WTF moments are often genuinely brutal and will leave you questioning things you never thought you’d have reason to doubt. From the deaths of beloved characters to secret malevolent motivations of people we thought were good guys, nothing has been off-limits when it came to the twists of WicDiv.

The end of the story is quickly approaching, and we’re bound to be treated to a few more mind-blowing moments like these before the final issue…

Major spoilers ahead!

10. Laura Has Powers (Issue 5)

Laura was just an ordinary teenager at the start of the comic, but her world was soon turned upside down by events at an Amaterasu concert, when she had a chance meeting with the enigmatic Lucifer.


The two teens began a flirty friendship at a Pantheon after-party though this was soon cut short when two gunmen attacked. Lucifer defended her friends, using her powers to kill the two assailants, but things went from bad to worse when she then - seemingly - murdered the judge at her trial.

Lucifer promised to give Laura some divine powers if she could aid her and this eventually led to Lucifer escaping from prison and, following an epic battle, being killed in cold blood by Ananke. In mourning, Laura mimicked Lucifer’s ability to light cigarettes with a click of her fingers and, to her surprise, it worked.

It wasn’t the most shocking twist that Laura - essentially the protagonist of WicDiv - would be given a taste of god-like powers, but it certainly changed readers’ expectations of the character, suggesting that she could potentially become a god in her own right. The visual of the lit cigarette reflected in both of Laura’s eyes was exceptionally cool and acted as a tease of what the future holds for the character.
