Vibe #2 Review - Geoff Johns

By Noel Thorne /

After reading two issues of Vibe, I can safely say that any comic published these days with the €œJustice League of America€ label on the cover is absolute drek. Katana is bad, JLA is outright terrible and Vibe is plain stupid. This issue in particular is remarkably lazy and badly put together. Most of this issue is made up of scenes from Vibe #1 and JLA #2 so there€™s very little new material here. So we get to see the classic scene where Vibe stops a teen shoplifter only to discover they were boosting a Snickers bar - again. We get to see Vibe asking himself and his brother €œWhy me?€ when he€™s asked to join the JLA - again. We get to see Vibe first meeting ARGUS - again. We get to see Vibe at his first meeting of the JLA - again. We get to see Obama introducing the JLA - again. It€™s so contemptuous to the audience to have so much filler to pad out your issue. So what€™s new? Well, the glimpse we got from the first issue of Gypsy is built upon and it seems she€™s going to play a part in this series. Anyone excited about that? Didn€™t think so. There are a number of scenes between Vibe and his unemployed, deadbeat brother Dante who€™s constantly eating junk food. Dante has to be the worst brother in the world - he does everything he can to diminish his brother€™s achievement of getting into the JLA and repeatedly tells him he€™s going to die, detailing the number of ways he could be killed being a part of the JLA, eg. used as a human shield, shot in the gut, used as bait. What a monumental jerk and a terrible character! But if Dante€™s bad, Vibe isn€™t much better. €œWhy Me?€ is the title of this issue and Vibe asks that of himself several times throughout. He€™s so whiny! Why you, Vibe? Seriously, get over it. It€™s you, ok, you€™re part of this team, move past the why, you clearly want to be part of the team so stop asking this pointless question which no-one can answer (not even the writers) and get on with whatever your storyline is supposed to be! He€™s such an annoying little twerp. He should really be part of the Teen Titans rather than a "grown-up" team. Which factors into the next issue as he€™s going to fight Kid Flash. Why? Who knows. Who cares? So that€™s Vibe for this month, the second and last issue I€™ll be reading of this incredibly contrived and stupid comic. Bad character, no plot, the writers don€™t seem to know what they€™re doing, and as a companion piece to the JLA, it does nothing to add to that book. Avoid this series! Vibe #2 by Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg et al. is out now at your local comics shop and online at Comixology