3x Jaws and Goonies Prizes Bundle To Give Away

Don't Be A Sloth, Let This Competition Reel You In

By http://tvstoreonline.com /

This coming weekend marks a very special anniversary for two of the most loved and iconic films of all time €“ Jaws and The Goonies. It€™s hard to forget how quickly time passes by, but the first weekend of June 2015 symbolises the 40th and 30th respective milestones of these truly great pillars of film production. To celebrate this momentous occasion, tvstoreonline.com are asking people to join them in shared merriment, and are giving away a prize bundle to 3 lucky readers. Consisting of a rather dapper looking Jaws t-shirt, and a too cool for school Goonies hat, you€™re sure to be the envy of most while walking around during your upcoming summer holidays. Closing Date 30th June 2015