Win Xenta Monitor 2.0ch Soundbar

2 to give away

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It's the most wonderful time of the year! And if you haven't already done so then you better get cracking with that Xmas shopping. To give you a bit of a hand in what to buy any of those people you may know with a slightly move techy persuasion, are releasing a number of gift idea videos for you to take a look at. The first of which can be seen above. Because we're feeling oh so in the festive mood, thanks to eBuyer we are giving away not 1 but 2(!!) Xenta Monitor 2.0ch Soundbars for those lucky enough among you win. This super-slim and lightweight soundbar from Xenta is an ideal size to sit comfortably on your desk in front of the monitor. Powered by USB its twin 3W speakers provide a clear and vibrant sound, with a side mounted volume adjustor. While it is perfect to use as part of your home PC setup, the sound bar can also be used alongside any number of electronic devices such as your smart phone, mp3 player, or any other device that incorporates USB functionality. Check out the eBuyer Christmas store for more gift idea videos, and browse their full range of gadgets and products.