007 Reasons Why Quantum of Solace is a Great Bond Film

By Oscar Harding /

With the imminent release of Skyfall, pretty much every article or review that gushes its praise includes the phrase €œ€after the disappointing Quantum of Solace...€ and frankly, I€™m getting sick of it. Since day one I€™ve championed Quantum of Solace, and I reckon it€™s a fantastic addition to the series- it deserves more credit than it gets- much more. I€™m not saying it€™s the best in the series- it€™s not, but it€™s better than a lot of the other entries (can you really say it€™s worse than Die Another Day or A View To A Kill?). I€™m proud to say I like the title, and I love the idea of Quantum buying up as much of the water supply as they can- it€™s a dash of science-fiction that makes me desperate for Craig to face them in Bond 24. I like pretty much everything about the film. So, hopefully I can persuade you to give QoS another shot before sitting down to Skyfall.