10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

By K.J. Stewart /

Horror movies are notoriously over the top - that goes without saying. There's a hell of a lot of blood and gore, there are scenes that make you jump out of your seat and there are elaborate, contrived death scenes that simply wouldn't happen in the real world - or, at least, if they did happen in the real world it wouldn't be in as extreme a manner as they happen in the movies. Some of these scenes just go too far with their levels of ridiculousness, however. Even in the cases of supernatural horror - where the very idea is for things to happen that couldn't happen in the real world - some scenes are just stupidly over the top. In this article, I'll look through some of those moments that are so ridiculous that they even stand out as such in the horror genre. Here are ten absolutely ridiculous moments in mainstream horror movies...