10 Actors That Aren't Nearly As Well-Known As They Should Be

These people are hanging around on the fringes of the mainstream, only occasionally popping their heads into a big-budget blockbuster.

By Henri Pearson /

Nowadays you'd be forgiven for sometimes thinking that Hollywood is made up of the same five or six people who are all continuously being reused and recycled for every box office hopeful that comes around - people like Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper or Jennifer Lawrence, for instance. But of course there are others, many of whom don't get the recognition they deserve, and many whose names should be on the same plateau as actors like Tom Hardy or Christian Bale, but are not. These people are hanging around on the fringes of the mainstream, only occasionally popping their heads into a big-budget blockbuster, probably for the pay-day. They have just as much (if not more) skill in performing as someone like Bradley Cooper, but only a fraction of the celebrity - it just seems a little unfair, especially considering the quality of movie these guys tend to appear in. Click "Next" to see our list of today's top ten most inappropriately low-key actors and actresses working in the business.