10 Actors Who Just Gave Their Worst Performance EVER

These performances were phoned in from another planet.

By Jack Pooley /

It's of course ridiculous to expect actors to give banger performances each and every time they step up to bat - it's not just possible. No actor is beyond a dud project, whether purely a result of their own misguided acting choices, bad direction, or a script that does nothing for them whatsoever.


And yet, in recent times these acclaimed, hugely popular actors all turned in the very worst work of their respective careers.

Whether blatantly phoning it in for an easy paycheck or simply failing to bring life to the part, these performances all stuck out as the very worst they've ever graced us with.

Granted, a single off-key performance will rarely ruin an actor's career momentum, especially when it's very obviously a paycheck gig, but all the same, it was surprising to see most of these actors plumbing these depths and failing to do anything interesting with the role.

How much blame should be afforded to the actors themselves varies wildly from film to film, but there's little denying that these performers have never slummed it harder than they just did...

10. Susan Sarandon - Blue Beetle

Look, nobody was expecting Oscar winner Susan Sarandon to give a career-defining performance in Blue Beetle, but her thoroughly mailed-in turn as villain Victoria Kord was not good.


Though the DC superhero film was largely praised for the chemistry of its focal cast, Sarandon is the single outlier, and while the script didn't really give her much worthwhile to do, she still can't bring herself to feign even a superficial level of interest.

Sarandon's line readings are distractingly flat throughout, giving Kord a narcotised, shot-with-a-tranq-dart vibe, ensuring she's one of the dullest and most forgettable superhero movie villains recent memory. It is as blatant as paycheck performances get.

Few are going to blame an actress of Sarandon's caliber for not full-assing it in a Blue Beetle movie of all things, but could she at least have half-assed it?

Instead, her lifeless, unfussed performance sticks out like a sore thumb among her decidedly more committed and enthusiastic co-stars.
