10 Actors Who Should Star in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Who's ready to take on the biggest new role in the Harry Potter franchise?

By Audrey Fox /

Now that it's getting closer to the production of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, it€™s time to start thinking about who will play the lead role of Newt Scamander. Thanks to J.K. Rowling's meticulous character notes, there is actually a surprising amount of detail about Scamander, especially considering the fact that he's a character only passingly mentioned in the books, and even then he's not exactly a central figure. He is a renowned researcher famous for his study of magical creatures and his landmark book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. At the time the film takes place, Scamander is a young man at the beginning of his career, heading off to 1920s New York to further his research. Whichever actor ends up taking on the part will be in for a shock. It's bound to be a career-making role, if only for the level of exposure the film will provide. But what's interesting about all of the Harry Potter movies is their casting - they used a healthy balance of established actors and newer talent. So really, this character could be played by anyone (although since it is an adult role rather than one for a child actor, and whoever is cast will be responsible for carrying an entire trilogy, it seems likely that they will choose at least a moderately well-known actor). The modern acting scene in Britain at the moment is very encouraging, with any number of talented actors, both established and otherwise, who are just waiting for the film that will catapult them into the A list.