10 Anti-Ku Klux Klan Films

By Clare Simpson /

The Ku Klux Klan first arrived on our screens courtesy of D W Griffiths' epic Birth of a Nation aka The Clansman (1915) which caused considerable controversy due to its portrayal of African-American men (played by white men with blacked up faces) as stupid and having voracious sexual appetites towards white women. In contrast, the Ku Klux Klan were portrayed as an heroic force. The outcry was so great, Griffiths produced Intolerance the next year - a film literally pleading for greater religious and ethnic tolerance. No director was ever as foolish as to repeat Griffith's faux pas. In my research on films that feature the KKK or KKK-type clans, the portrayal is overwhelmingly negative. They range from the mildest - showing the KKK as racketeers through to showing them as recruiters of the disaffected. They are then shown as we know them - bigots, racists, bullies, arsonists, torturers, kidnappers and murderers. They wreak havoc in people's lives but thankfully in the movies they are always shown to be the pathetic snivelling thuggish toads who hide behind silly looking hoods. So here are 10 films in which the KKK get their asses kicked - sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically.