10 Most Awesome Puppets From Puppet Master

Not only will aesthetics be taken into account, but so will the styles in which they killed their victims, their overall performance in the franchise, and their backstories.

By Tommy Bobby Watanabe /

Chucky is, and probably always will be, the undisputed king of the "Killer Doll" movie genre. However, in the late 80s and early 90s, there was one film franchise that dominated the B Movie World with its outlandish plot and memorable characters. That franchise was none other than Full Moon Pictures' Puppet Master. Since 1989, the pint-sized terrors of Andre Toulon - who were originally used to wage war against the Nazis in Germany during the Holocaust - have sliced, drilled, hammered, electrocuted, torched, strangled, maimed, and shot a variety of victims. Spanning ten different films (and one ill-conceived crossover from the Sci-Fi Channel starring Corey Feldman that everyone chooses to ignore), Toulon's puppets have played both sides of the fence, acting as anti-heroes and devious villains. Here, we will be counting down the ten most awesome puppets from the entire Puppet Master franchise. Not only will aesthetics be taken into account, but so will the styles in which they killed their victims, their overall performance in the franchise, and their backstories.

10. Dr. Death

The first puppet on our countdown is the only "retro" puppet from the seventh film in the franchise, Retro Puppet Master, Dr. Death. Clad in surgical scrubs and in possession of small medical tools used for playing "operation" on victims in the Puppet Master Universe, Dr. Death was created by a young Andre Toulon in his early days as a puppeteer. When the minions of Sutekh go off in search of a man named Afzel who has stolen the secret of life from their master, they attack Toulon's theater where Afzel is in hiding ... killing Toulon's friends and fellow puppeteers. Duval Robinson, one of Toulon's friends that was murdered in the theater, has his soul transferred into the Dr. Death puppet. The pure awesomeness of Dr. Death's appearance helps land him at the top of the countdown. If Dr. Death had appeared in other Puppet Master films outside of Retro Puppet Master, chances are he may have ranked higher up.