10 Best Jump Scares In Sci-Fi Horror Movie History

The sci-fi scenes that stopped our hearts dead.

By James Egan /

In a way, science-fiction has the potential to be the scariest form of horror. Because the genre delves into bizarre and otherworldly concepts, viewers are constantly left on edge, since they never know what to expect. Despite the fact moviegoers know many sci-fi scenarios could never happen in a million years, they still get freaked out, since the genre taps into humanity's primal fear of the unknown and the unnatural.


Although deranged robots, man-eating dinos, and evil clones are terrifying in their own right, they are far more unsettling when they burst onto the scene, with little or no warning.

I am of course talking about the classic movie technique, the jump-scare. For decades, this storytelling tool has been utilised to frighten audiences out of their skin. If executed poorly, the big "Boo!" moment can rob the scene of all tension. But if done right, it can be the highlight of the entire movie.

Even if you don't remember anything else about the sci-fi flicks on this list, it's safe to assume these jump-scares are embedded in your memory forever.

10. The First Alien - They Live

John Carpenter's They Live follows a drifter called Nada (played by WWE legend, Rowdy Roddy Piper). While scouting for a job, Nada encounters a preacher, who declares an elite cabal have been controlling the world for years through subliminal conditioning.


Nada confirms this claim himself shortly after, when he finds a pair of sunglasses that allow the wearer to see hidden messages. Every time our hero looks at a magazine, poster, or billboard while wearing the spectacles, Nada sees secret words, such as "OBEY," "STAY ASLEEP," and "NO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT".

While Nada tries to process this monumental bombshell, he discovers the sunglasses allow him to see something else, that indicates a far greater threat. When the person beside Nada sees how flustered he looks, he asks, "What's your problem?"

Although this stranger looks normal, Nada's sunglasses reveals he is actually a skeletal-looking alien. Gazing around, Nada notices dozens of extra-terrestrials are walking around undetected, implying they've infiltrated society on a mass scale.

The way this scene is set up slowly with minimal dialogue or music makes the big reveal all the more shocking.
