10 Best Performances In A Quentin Tarantino Movie

By Kyle Hytonen /

10. Kirk Baltz - Reservoir Dogs

To be bound to a chair for the majority of a film is not an easy task, neither is being beaten, tortured, doused in gasoline and having your ear sliced off. For character actor Kirk Baltz that is exactly what he had to endure. As unlucky cop Marvin Nash, Baltz plays the lone hostage snatched by Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen) after a jewel heist gone wrong. While strapped to a chair at the gang's safe house he is devilishly tortured by Mr. Blonde right up to the point where he has his ear cut off by Blonde's straight razor. Baltz plays the role with desperation in his voice as he pleads for Mr. Blonde not to burn him alive, and shows anger and frustration when he becomes aware the police are only a few blocks away from the gang's hideout. Although he appeared in a handful of small film roles afterwards (including 1994's Natural Born Killers as a cameraman) Baltz will always be remembered for his gutsy performance in Tarantino's directorial debut. He currently runs an acting school in LA.