10 Biggest Mistakes The DCEU Has Ever Made

The DCEU is a festival of blunders, and these are the worst.

By Jack Pooley /

To say that DC fans have been on quite the wild ride with the DC Extended Universe over the last decade is quite the understatement indeed.


On paper the idea of Warner Bros. cooking up DC's answer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe seemed like a can't-miss slam-dunk, and yet in reality the results have been wildly uneven.

Over the course of 11 released movies, the DCEU has been called everything from an ambitious failure to positively cursed, and though the series has certainly had its triumphant moments, it is largely best remembered for its countless head-scratching creative and PR blunders.

Throughout its existence, the DCEU's behind-the-scenes struggles have proven just how difficult it is to create a coherent and consistent movie universe, especially when dealing with a cavalcade of established and beloved characters.

With the future of the franchise and Warner Bros. as a whole looking rather uncertain right now, what better time to reconsider everything that's brought the IP to this point - the most embarrassing gaffes which have rendered so much of the DCEU a pure laughing stock.

If the franchise is going to survive long-term, these issues desperately need to be remedied and avoided repeating in the future...

10. Rushing To Copy The Marvel Cinematic Universe

On a broad, conceptual level, the single biggest mistake Warner Bros. made with the DCEU must surely be rushing to try and emulate the model of the MCU.


With the MCU's colossal box office success, it's easy to see why the studio wanted a similar framework for their interconnected universe of DC movies, yet in their impatience they attempted to sprint their way to the big payoff.

While the MCU spent several years introducing us to all the major Avengers through a bevy of solo films building up to The Avengers blockbuster event, the DCEU skipped straight from Man of Steel to Batman v Superman.

With its Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) appearance and frantic introductions of The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher), Batman v Superman took a transparent shortcut to setting up the Justice League movie.

And so, without the audience being fully acquainted with these heroes - not to mention the film's many other production issues - Justice League landed with a thud of indifference.

More than anything, it was clear that Warner Bros. lacked a firm plan for the franchise, and rather than spend time investing audiences in these heroes before bringing them together, those in charge had tunnel vision for a billion dollar Justice League payday - one which they ultimately missed out on.
