10 Cameos That Must Happen In 2015's Biggest Movies

Minor appearances from these big actors/characters would send fans wild.

By K.J. Stewart /

Everyone loves a good cameo. When someone of note pops up briefly - particularly when their appearance comes as a surprise - it can often be one of the most memorable parts of a movie, but they're not always considered to be a success. X-Men: Days Of Future Past got it right when it had a number of famous faces pop up at the end of the movie. After Hugh Jackman's Wolverine had successfully completed his time-travelling exploits, he awakened in a world that reintroduced a number of characters from previous movies - some of whom were thought to be dead - including Famke Janssen's Jean Grey and James Marsden's Scott Summers, opening the door to a plethora of new possibilities for the X-Men franchise. Seth MacFarlane's A Million Ways To Die In The West showed how not to do it, with a cameo from Christopher Lloyd as his Back To The Future character Doctor Emmett Brown. The scene itself served no real purpose, but the real problem is that the moment was included in the trailer, ruining the surprise. As you can tell, the impact of cameos can be very different depending on their execution, but the trope has persisted for years now, has evolving from merely being a brief appearance from a famous face to becoming a tool that can placate fans, set up sequels and provide post-viewing talking points for audiences. 2015's biggest Hollywood offerings will be no different. With a huge number of top movies on the horizon this year, you can definitely expect some memorable cameos to occur. On that note, let's take a look at some that audiences will be hoping to see.

Honourable Mention: Darkseid (Batman V Superman: Enter The Knight)

This particular entry doesn't make the main list because this movie probably won't even happen but, just in case it does, it's getting an honourable mention. Thanks to a photograph that has supposedly leaked onto the internet, rumours have recently been rife that 2016's Batman V Superman is actually being split into two parts called Enter The Knight and Dawn Of Justice. If this is true, Enter The Knight would actually happen this year, in which case it would be great to see this cameo happen. Darkseid will surely become the ultimate big bad of the DC Cinematic Universe - just like Thanos is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - and the first Batman V Superman movie should see him appear in a post-credits scene, whether it's in 2015 or otherwise.