10 Crappy Jobs Of The Future (According To The Movies)

Minimum wage workers of today - it could be much, much worse...

By Tom Baker /

Nobody likes their job (present company excluded, of course). The torturous process of earning your keep is more of a necessity than a joy for most people, an exercise in tedium that nonetheless allows us to, like, buy food and clothing and actually live. Right now we're living through a sort of nadir of the working world, too, what with widespread unemployment and the invention of zero hour contracts. The latter of which sounds like something from a dystopian science fiction film €“ or possibly just Idiocracy but, well, same difference €“ rather than a genuine reality. Still, let's not get too bogged down in the real world. There's plenty of crummy jobs to be working right now €“ chef in a fast food restaurant, rubbish man, investigative reporter for the News Of The World €“ but it could be a heck of a lot worse. The worst that can happen with any of those minimum wage occupations is a few pimples, a bad smell permanently following you around, or being involved in a court case where your former bosses allow you to take the fall for extended jail sentences. Hm, one of these is not like the other... Our point is, we should count ourselves lucky: because the rubbish employers of the future are going to be even worse than the ones we have now. At least, based on the glimpses into the coming decades afforded to us by sci-fi movies. Working the till at Poundland might seem soul-destroying, but at least you're not getting chucked into a Soylent Green grinder. Or worse. These are ten of the crappiest jobs of the future, according to movies.