10 Crazy Cinema Doctors You Would Not Want As Your GP

Those mad medics of cinema who break every medical rule in the book...

By Clare Simpson /

Ever since the German silent Expressionist film - The Cabinet of Dr Caligari back in the early 1920s, crazy doctors have been entertaining us on the silver screen. These doctors, supposedly bound to only do good under the Hippocratic Oath, blatantly violate it at every turn in a very extreme manner. Whoever gave them the permission to transcend the oath is uncertain, but it usually ends up in violent, gruesome and deeply unwholesome antics. Because there are a whole shedload of Dr Harold Shipman and Dr Crippen wannabes lurking in the world of cinema, these mad medics deserve their own little feature to detail how they break every medical rule and ethic in the book. As I said, there are an awful lot of errant men of medicine in cinema so please list your own mad docs below.

10. Dr Francis B Gröss - Faces Of Death (1978)

THE shockumentary that kickstarted the ghoulish trend in Mondo Movies moving away from examining customs from all over the world on to strictly focusing on death scenes captured on film. Traces of Death, Death Scenes, The Shocks - all are from the same pedigree that is Faces of Death. Conan LeCilaire is the director of this catalogue of misery and to liven things up, he added Dr Francis B Gröss as the narrator. Dr Gröss has to be the least charismatic narrator in the history of cinema. The film opens in a morgue with shots of dead bodies having mortician based activity perpetrated on them. Gröss mutters some nonsense and then we see him 'emerge' from the supposed autopsy scene into a brown carpeted and brown wall papered corridor where he takes off his gloves and chucks them into a paper waste bin! Dr Gröss is vaunted as the film's 'creative assistant'. As a narrator, he has a really boring voice and he looks like he should belong on the sex offender's register for life. I cannot remember anything remotely intelligent or interesting coming out of the man's commentary in all the Faces of Death he appeared in. The makers eventually got rid of him, claiming being around such morbid garbage caused him to have a breakdown. You wouldn't want him as your GP because he would probably crack open your chest, thereby killing you and then he would ghoulishly fondle your internal organs and film it for the benefit of Japanese audiences.