10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

Tinfoil hats at the ready.

By Mark Langshaw /

The Internet just loves a good conspiracy theory, and that seems to be doubly true when the movie industry is involved.


Hollywood is awash with urban legends, ghost stories and seemingly unexplained occurrences that send imaginations running wild and inspire the amateur sleuths to join up dots that usually aren't even there.

This isn't a list about about things hidden within movies. It's dedicated to the crazy speculation the film industry itself has inspired, the dark secrets it may be concealing, and bizarre rumours concerning some of its biggest stars.

These theories range from crackpot scribbling to plausible insights, and either way, they're rarely anything less than a compelling read. This is probably why message board users are never in a hurry to debunk them.

Indeed, Hollywood actors and filmmakers themselves have occasionally embraced these conspiracies (the more innocuous ones, at least) because of the intrigue and even notoriety they've added to their work over the years.

From movies that were allegedly wiped from existence for unknown reasons, to claims that a well-known director helped NASA fake the moon landing, some movie conspiracy theories simply refuse to die.

10. There Were Two Actors Playing Luke Skywalker

Forget the 'who shot first' argument. The only Star Wars debate you need to concern yourself with is the 'Bigger Luke Hypothesis'.


This insane theory has been doing the rounds online for some time, and it claims there were actually two actors playing Jedi hero Luke Skywalker in A New Hope - Mark Hamill and his mysterious, taller double.

Those who believe the Force is strong in this conspiracy cite a mountain of set photos as evidence. Supposedly, there's photographic confirmation that Luke's height relative to Han Solo’s changes throughout the film.

Some even claim the line “aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?” is a subtle nod to the taller actor, who was apparently denied a credit by George Lucas.

Luke does appear to be taller in some New Hope photos than others, though even the conspiracy theorists have wondered whether this is just some filmmaking technique during moments of weakness.
