10 Creepy Horror Films Featuring Murderous Body Parts

From your head to your toes, there's been a horror made about pretty much every body part trying to kill people.

By Rob Thubron /

No other type of movie can claim to have as many sub-categories as the horror genre. You€™ve got your found footage films, creature-features, torture porn, it's a long and varied list that caters to fans of all things gory. One of these sub-genres is the €˜body horror€™ category of movies. These deal with our own subconscious fear of our bodies, particularly when it comes to things such as mutilation and decay. The recent Kevin Smith release, Tusk, is a prime example of a body horror movie, as well as being big change from his usual New Jersey based comedies. There is, however, what could be considered another horror movie sub-genre that is closely related to the body horror category. While not quite as subtle in confronting our fears of our own biology, the murderous body parts genre still deals with this issue, just in a much more literal way. Pretty much every bodily appendage you can imagine has at one point been turned into a sentient, murderous being in one horror or another. Here are some of the most infamous, awful, so-bad-they€™re-good and surprisingly excellent movies in this often (understandably) overlooked field.