10 Criminally Underrated Horror Movies

These little gems get lost in the mulch and may lie dormant for decades. Don't let that happen.

By Clare Simpson /

There is such a ton of rubbish out there in the horror cinema realm, it can be a very hard job to separate the wheat from the chaff. I see a lot of McHorror films on specialist satellite channels - real yawn fests that are as interesting as watching a nice shade of beige dry on a wall. On the other hand, little gems get lost in the mulch and may lie dormant for decades. Tod Browning directed one of Horror's great classics - Freaks - back in the 1930s. A pioneering movie which was far ahead of its time, critics were shocked and appalled when they watched it and it wasn't for many decades that Freaks' full artistic greatness was appreciated. The films on this list are not as dramatically neglected as Freaks, but on the other hand they deserve more appreciation than they get. Some of them, I would go as far to label 'masterpieces' of the genre but ultimately everything is subjective and one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa. I have compiled a list of what I think are the most underrated horror films out there. Please add your own below.