10 Dark Facts About Star Wars That Are Never Spoken About

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... some really awful stuff happened.

By Jacob Simmons /

Pfft, you like Star Wars? The thing with the Ewoks, the Porgs, and all those stupid plastic toys? Isn't that for kids?


Whilst it's true that a lot of the world of Skywalker's output is designed solely to put action figures on shelves and coins in Disney's pocket, there's plenty out there for the older fan to enjoy as well.

Gripping storylines, well-written characters, intricate political drama. Oh, and enough behind-the-scenes gossip and secrets to keep you occupied for several hundred years.

Whilst Star Wars is a great source of joy for many, it has plenty of darkness hiding away under the surface. Whether it's actors not getting along, the butting of creative heads, or just George Lucas being George Lucas, there are plenty of skeletons inside the Millennium Falcon's closet.

And that's without taking into account the stuff you find out when you take a deep dive into the series' lore. There's some things in there that makes Game of Thrones look like Pee-Wee Herman.

The Force will always be with you, and these harrowing facts also won't be going away any time soon.

10. Sith Lightsabers Bleed

One way that the Star Wars universe helps differentiate between different Jedi is by giving them different coloured lightsabers.


Ok, the real reason is so they can sell more toys, but let's pretend.

This isn't the case with the Sith though, as every Force-wielding baddie in the series makes use of a red-bladed laser sword. But why is this? Well, it's not a particularly pleasant reason.

A lightsaber is powered by a kyber crystal, an extremely powerful Force sensitive item that bonds with its owner through the divine energy. The colour of a Jedi's lightsaber depends on the way in which they bond with their chosen crystal, but it's a very different process if you're on the naughty side.

Sith cannot make their own lightsabers. Instead, they must corrupt existing ones by flooding it with Dark Side energy. This process is known as "bleeding" and it's what gives the evildoers' weapons their traditional hue.

Considering that the kyber crystals are kind of alive, the idea of them being bled in order to change colour is pretty disturbing.

Still, the price one pays for fashion is often high.
