10 Everyday Things You Can't Do Without Thinking Of Movies

Why can't we look at an apple pie without thinking dirty thoughts?

By Jesse Gumbarge /

Question: have you ever been going about your daily business when all of a sudden you think to yourself "Gee, this really reminds me of that scene from - insert classic movie here -"? Yeah, we all have. This is just one of the many reasons why we love movies so much. Not only do they entertain us but they can divert our attention from the everyday lameness of our lives and give us something more pleasurable to think about, even if it is only temporary. Nobody can really deny that sometimes our world and the world of cinema occasionally blend together. For instance, most people are probably under the belief that they are entitled to "one phone call" if they were ever to be arrested. Now, this is rarely the case but movies have nevertheless planted this thought into our minds. They've done so to the point that it would be impossible to get arrested without having this thought pop into your head. With that being said, today we are going to be presenting you with a plethora of things that we do on an (almost) daily basis that instantly makes us think of our favorite movie moments. From eating a box of chocolates to taking a morning jog, these are 10 everyday things you can't do without thinking of movies.