10 Famous Child Actors You Will No Longer Recognise

Time can be a tempestuous mistress.

By Hannah Spencer /

Everyone loves to see their famous peers all grown up. It's like stalking old school friends online: whether it€™s for some gratuitous car crash voyeurism or just to see how someone they associated with as a child turned out. If the kid fell off the radar after their childhood appearances, or became a famous actor that you never realised was a child star to begin with, they usually undergo a vast change that one would never have expected. There are plenty of child stars who turned into exactly what you suspected, such as Mara Wilson who looks almost exactly the same and is a writer now (Matilda would be proud). However there are plenty of others who bucked their child typecast and turned into radically different people. Not only that, but many child stars have careers that you wouldn't believe now. Much like how you wouldn't expect Oliver from the 1968 classic musical Oliver! to be an osteopath nowadays (that's definitely a good brag if you get massaged on the regular by the guy who played Oliver), plenty of high-profile kids found that acting just wasn't for them, or didn't work out. The stars on this list can work both ways: there are those who have grown up beyond recognition, and there are those we know from modern film and TV, but wouldn't have necessarily guessed that they were that kid from that film. Whether you're trying to place someone, or just want to see who stopped being cute and grew up weird (sorry, Haley Joel Osment), click away to find 10 child stars you'll no longer recognise.