10 Foolproof Movie Methods For Murdering Your Spouse

How movie husbands and wives conspire to get away with murder, in ten easy lessons.

By Jack Morrell /

Marriage is the only relationship in your entire life that€™s governed by a legally binding contract that requires court orders and lawyers and expense and a great deal of fannying about to get out of. Not everyone can be bothered with the red tape, and the more sociopathic (or desperate) someone is, the more they might consider a homicidal alternative to divorce. Say your other half is rich and you're broke, and completely amoral€ or say they've Done You Wrong, and this time was the last of a thousand straws. Well, murdering your spouse isn€™t like killing anyone else. Marriage is the only relationship in your life that, by definition, involves just two people. Most relationships are webs, patterns of connection that link people€ but a marriage is just the two of you. That being the case, when a husband or wife winds up dead, guess who sticks out like a sore thumb? They say that nine times out of ten it's the victim€™s partner that does it. Well, as in life, so in the movies. Film noir, the whodunnit and the cinematic detective story have given us reams of stories involving matrimonial disharmony that leads to murder. So many wives and husbands trying to get away with murder... so many detectives trying to spoil their fun. Here's the rundown: ten vital parts of any scheme to murder the missus or off the old man, and the movies that taught us all about them. And of course, here be serious spoilers... if you haven't seen the film in the title of each entry and you're still planning to, then skip ahead or don't come crying foul play to me.