10 Great Films Banned By The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church doesn't always like the great films, and we have to respectfully disagree with them when it happens.

By James Elhindi /

Beginning in 1933 the Catholic Legion of Decency, a Catholic film register with an aim for the "purification of the cinema," wrote reviews and rated films on a regular basis. Since then it has changed name and position many times but still continues to write regular movie "reviews" (they are more like short synopses) and provide a Catholic-oriented rating system. This system doesn't hold much power outside the Church but it goes as follows; A-I: Suitable for all audiences A-II: Suitable for adults and adolescents A-III: Suitable for adults only A-IV: For adults with reservations B: Morally objectionable in part C: Condemned by the Legion of Decency O: Morally offensive (in 1978 B and C ratings combined to form O) This list concerns those films given the C or O rating depending on which side of 1978 they fell. These films were provocative and controversial enough to be banned/condemned by the Catholic Church. Whilst reading this list it is important to remember that these reviews are the opinions of Catholic Bishops at the time. Especially myself, as a Catholic, cannot stress enough the fact that these are not a representation of the opinion of all Catholics, merely the committee who authored them. I certainly do not agree with all of these opinions and am confident that a film's artistic merit is maintained, despite any religiously based reviews.