10 Great Horror Film Performances

This is not a definitive list but a guide to some of the best performances the genre has ever produced.

By Hugh Firth /

The horror genre is much maligned in general and often those actors and actresses who decide to appear in a horror film find themselves attacked from all quarters. Those who don't like horror look at these films as simply a bloodbath of masked monsters hacking down teenagers. It has always been much more than this however. The horror genre can not only be incredibly subtle, it can also have some incredibly affecting performances. There is work from actors and actresses which can really make you feel the terror and the sorrow that they too are feeling. Yes, the work of the directors and writers goes a long way into creating this but it is in the actors that we as the audience can really connect. This is not a definitive list, but it does aim to highlight some of the great horror performances since cinema began. You will hopefully have many others. Some that just missed the list include Cecile de France in Haute Tension, Linda Blair in The Exorcist and even Howard Sherman in Day of the Dead (he plays Bub the Zombie). So, here are (with spoilers included) 10 Great Horror Performances...