10 Great Horror Movies That Fell Victim To Franchise Fatigue

Where so many follow-ups stumble, these sequels need to be given the time of day.

By Reece Donnell /

"ANOTHER one?!"


Any horror fan has likely screamed this at a poster advertising the gory return of an icon for the seventeenth film.

Yes, franchise fatigue is a very real and prevalent phenomenon in horror cinema. Studios pumping out film after film to line their pockets has been a mainstay since the 1930s when Bride of Frankenstein single-handedly pioneered the modern movie franchise.

With that in mind, it's easy to see how any later entry in a beloved franchise may simply be dismissed as a cash grab with little thought put into it other than to make a quick buck. However, this is not always the case.

Sometimes, buried deep between mounds of mediocre follow-ups and subpar sequels, there is a bright, shining gem of a sequel that's little-seen and sorely underappreciated.

Here, I present to you some surprisingly good horror sequels that were unfortunate victims of franchise fatigue.

10. Slumber Party Massacre III (1990)

Never heard of this one? Don't feel bad, it seems very few people have, and it is so unfortunate as this early '90s slasher has plenty to offer


The Roger Corman-produced Slumber Party Massacre saw release in 1982 and is widely considered one of the first self-aware slasher films. The film inserted dark comedy and seemed to revel in over-the-top nudity and overtly phallic and gory deaths.

Although not a huge hit at the box office, Slumber Party Massacre received praise for its feminist message that wasn't preachy. The moderate success was enough to greenlight a sequel and Slumber Party Massacre II was released in 1987. This follow-up, however, is drastically different from its predecessor, ramping up the comedic elements, over-the-top effects and even adding some supernatural elements as well as some rock and roll musical numbers. The campy film didn't sit well with audiences or critics, and the sequel grossed less than half of the previous entry. Despite that, Slumber Party Massacre II still turned a profit, ensuring that a third film came along three years later. Unfortunately for that threequel, theatres remained empty.

So, why is this such a shame? SPM III is a back-to-basics slasher film that tells the well-worn tale of teenage girls terrorized by a masked killer. That may not sound too enticing, but this film is a very different beast from the previous entries. Giving away its killer's identity during the second act, the movie then chooses to tell the story from their viewpoint. From here unfolds a surprisingly dark tale of a troubled individual, killing out of crushing guilt and shame following years of sexual abuse by a family member.

Slumber Party Massacre III dares to shine a light on all-too-real and all-too-dark subjects and leaves the viewer with an undeniable sympathy for the villain.
