As a general rule of thumb, the bigger the blockbuster, the bigger the budget. After spending upwards of $100 million on the production of a movie - not to mention the countless millions invested in marketing and advertising - the big budget feature tends to get oversaturated coverage in order to secure a return on the investment. Big budget movies are also predictable beasts which rarely venture into new and daring territory - with so much money at stake the studio executives marshalling such products tend to work from the principle of going with what you know, and adventurous projects rarely get green lit. For films with a far smaller budget, however, there's plenty of room for experimentation, and while financiers can rarely expect their investment to recoup hundreds of millions the risk is much lower. A small budget is certainly no barrier to a film being any good - a great script, imaginative direction and solid performances are as much about the talent involved as anything else, and with a good creative team involved low budget movies often turn out better than their expensive corporate counterparts. And from time to time, these low key movies can prove to be surprise hits, cleaning up at the box office to the tune of millions. Here are 10 great low budget movies which surpassed all expectations and went on to smash it at the box office.