10 Great Movies Almost Ruined By Their Alternate Endings

You wouldn't be so happy if you knew what could have happened.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Endings are hard. Just ask any TV show that has been crucified by fans for a mis-step at the end of a stellar run; if it can't stick the landing then you might as well have not bothered. It's a shame really - often great films can be disregarded thanks to a misguided final scene decision - which puts a lot of pressure on screenwriters to get it right. In fact, often a production will end up shooting multiple endings just in case the original plan ends up being an utter mess. There's loads of great alternate endings out there that really should have been in the finished film. I Am Legend's mediative, book-inspired finale gives the film an actual point rather than just being another forgettable Will Smith sci-fi, while we still can't forgive World War Z for replacing an epic Moscow-set showdown with a little excursion to Wales. Heck, Blade Runner's current state is so good that the original, happy-ever-after ending is no longer viewed as the definitive version. But these few good versions can distract from the fact that most alternate endings were cut because, well, they weren't that good. Today we're going to look at ten movies that would have been ruined had they gone out with another proposed ending.