10 Greatest Movie Deaths By Electrocution

After reading this you'll think twice about playing Candy Crush in the tub while your phone is charging. Positively shocking!

By Jesse Gumbarge /

Cinema has provided us with plenty of imaginative death scenes over the decades. We've seen characters getting shot, stabbed, strangulated, and everything in between. We've seen death by carelessly-placed toxic waste. We've seen death by molten lava. We've seen death by a wood chipper, head explosion, shark bite, nuclear explosion on a meteor, by zombies and vampires, or at the hands of rednecks with chainsaws. You get the point. Electrocution in particular seems like a rather horrible way to go out. Remember when you were a kid and you got a little harmless static shock from rubbing against something? Well, imagine that times a thousand! Electric shocks can cause muscular spasms, paralysis, unconsciousness, or ultimately, death. Today we are going to look at some movie characters who went through this terrible ordeal. All of these characters die by means of electrocution. Some of these guys had it coming and others you'll shed a tear for. After reading this you'll think twice about playing Candy Crush in the tub while your phone is charging.