10 Heinous Movie Degenerates

By Clare Simpson /

I love a movie degenerate. It is exciting to see what low depths they will go to to satisfy their perverted whims. The movie degenerate takes many faces - they can be male or female, horrifying or faintly comical. Whatever the film, the movie degenerate is not an easy role to play. The actor must portray evil and villainy in a way so to inspire disgust in the viewer. This requires solid acting, all of the degenerates in my list, have made the list because they are well acted and convincing - in some cases terrifying. There is also a strong whiff of perversion around them. We will always have a fascination for heinous movie characters. I must stress, this is not a definitive list of movie degenerates - there are so many out there - but these are ten degenerates who caught my imagination. Please share your own favourites below.