10 Horror Movie Heroes Who Fell For The Same S**t In The Sequel

Sidney should probably stop trusting her family at this point.

By Jack Pooley /

While it's fair to say that the vast majority of horror movie franchises don't keep their original characters around for too long, if they do return for a couple of sequels, it's nice to see them learn from prior mistakes, no?


Seeing a Final Girl become more savvy to the killer's tactics in the sequel can be hugely satisfying as character development goes, though it's perhaps more common for them to just fall prey to the same old s**t all over again.

That's certainly the case with these 10 horror movie heroes, all of whom got bamboozled by the very same gambit that almost killed them before.

While there are varying degrees of blame to go around for these heroes - some are clearly just stupid, others less so - each found themselves back in the same sorry scenario they'd encountered previously.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, then there's a solid case to be made that these horror heroes aren't quite playing with a full deck. Thankfully, most of them lived to fight another day regardless...

10. Ripley Doesn't Notice A Xenomorph Stowaway - Aliens

Ridley Scott's original Alien ends with Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) evacuating the Nostromo shortly before it self-destructs, seemingly killing the Xenomorph in the process.


But of course, Ripley then discovers that the alien creature has stowed away onboard the escape shuttle, forcing her to do battle with it once more, eventually jettisoning it from the ship and blowing it into deep space.

James Cameron's sequel Aliens saw Ripley fall for the very same gambit with the Xenomorph Queen. This time Ripley, Newt (Carrie Henn), Bishop (Lance Henriksen), and Hicks (Michael Biehn) escape the processing station on a dropship seconds before it explodes, evidently killing the Queen.

But history repeats itself, as once the heroes land back on the Sulaco, the Queen reveals that she stowed away in the dropship's landing gear, forcing Ripley to blow it out of the airlock with the help of an exosuit cargo loader.
