10 Horror Movie Sequels You Had No Idea Were Just Released

These horror sequels all flew way under the radar.

By Jack Pooley /

For better and often for worse, sequels are the lifeblood that keeps Hollywood afloat, because why take a risk on something new when you can just give the audience more of what they've already enjoyed?


And no genre loves a sequel more than horror, which per its generally lower costs of production and the tendency for horror fans to be a rather optimistic bunch, means filmmakers can keep pumping our sequels like nobody's business and actually turn a profit.

Plus with digital filmmaking becoming more affordable with each passing year, and producers now able to send their films straight to streaming without a huge marketing spend, there have never been more horror sequels flooding our screens.

The problem, then, becomes one of discovery: with streaming platforms clogged up with so much Content, it's incredibly difficult to keep track of all the horror movies - let alone other films - being released each month, or even each week.

As such, you probably had no idea that these horror sequels hit storefronts over the past year, from new entries into major horror IP, to the latest installment in a cult franchise you didn't know is still going all these decades later...

10. Puppet Master: Doktor Death

If you're much of a horror fan you've probably at least heard of the Puppet Master franchise, as began with 1989's eponymous direct-to-video entry.


Despite scoring mixed reviews, the first Puppet Master was a commercial success on VHS and quickly amassed a cult following which allowed producer Charles Band to spin it off into a franchise under his Full Moon Pictures production label.

And if you were old enough to be a conscious human being in the early 1990s, you might recall seeing copies of the first few Puppet Master sequels in your local video rental store, but by the turn of the century the franchise's popularity had certainly waned.

Yet Band has continued to produce Puppet Master sequels and spin-offs to this day of wildly varying quality, with the fifteenth film in the series, Puppet Master: Doktor Death, being quietly released this past October.

The trailer makes it clear that the production values... aren't great, but there's nevertheless a kitschy charm to the murderous puppetry that's apparently kept the die-hard fans returning for each and every new volume.
