10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

The subtle seeds you didn't even notice had been planted...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

It's almost impossible to imagine it now, but back when Iron Man was released, the idea of a shared superhero universe was a huge gamble by Marvel. Hell, even the fledgling studio were tentative about their plans to make the Avengers at first, but by threading together the first movies in Phase One in subtle ways, they built to The Avengers and kicked off the billion-dollar behemoth that now dominates Hollywood.


And in those early days - even with the uncertainty about the gamble hanging heavy in the air - Kevin Feige and his film-makers were looking forward towards the horizon beyond The Avengers. Black Panther was seeded, Civil War's superhero prison was mentioned and of course Thanos made his first appearance. Some of the seeds would take a decade to pay off, but they were carefully planted.

Since then, the studio has continued as it began, dropping in foreshadowing seeds that pay off later, and they're getting more and more clever with how they do it...


10. The Hela Hint - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Walt Disney Studios

A lot has been said about Thor's vision and Heimdall's ominous warning about the fate of Asgard (and the potential link to Thanos' coming dominion of the Marvel cinematic universe), but there's a little detail in there that seems to mostly go unnoticed.

In that vision, the projection of Heimdall actually gives Thor a massive hint about his sister. No, not the overt expression of Thor leading his people to Hel, but rather something a lot more subtle.


Heimdall refers to Thor as "first son of Odin" - not the "first born," the first SON. Heimdall was basically revealing to Thor that he had an older sister he was unaware of.