10 Insane Fan Theories For Upcoming Movies (That Might Actually Be True)

Did Neo become his biggest enemy?!

By Jack Pooley /

Though the world of blockbuster filmmaking has more-or-less ground to a halt at present, film fans never take a break from discussing the latest and zaniest theories for their most anticipated upcoming movies.


And while the majority of fan theories of course turn out to be total bunk in the end, it's still enormously fun to consider some of the more outlandish, even insane speculation for the impending cinematic slate.

These 10 films represent some of the most long-awaited tentpole projects of the next year(ish), and though each of these theories is considered a fringe prospect at best - if not pure crackpot insanity at worst - each is just creative and interesting enough that it could actually end up being true.

From surprise death scenes to ridiculous cameos, epic plot twists, and everything in-between, the theories get points for their imagination if nothing else.

You'd certainly be smart to take them all with a truckload of salt, but at the same time, keep them ticking over in the back of your mind just in case they end up unexpectedly paying off...

10. Most Of The Original Squad Dies In The Opening Scene - The Suicide Squad

The Theory


The movie's opening scene will see most of the returning cast members from 2016's Suicide Squad, such as Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), and Amanda Waller (Viola Davis), killed off, leaving behind only Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) alongside an entirely new cast.

Why It Might Be True

For starters, the film has been called a "total reboot," while James Gunn has been cagey about referring to it as a sequel, suggesting it's effectively going to be a soft reboot of the Suicide Squad brand.

What better way to confirm that than by ditching most of the "old guard" in the opening scene?

Furthermore, considering the film's absolutely gigantic cast, killing off several prominent cast members in a single scene, Deadpool 2-style, would help keep the roster manageable and also explain how the production's budget could afford such a colossal host of actors.

Also, this might explain the last-minute switcharoo with Idris Elba's role.

Elba originally replaced Will Smith as Deadshot, but was eventually recast in a still-unknown role after James Gunn decided to leave the door open for Smith to return. This may suggest that the original plan was for Elba's Deadshot to die in the film's opening.

But perhaps the best evidence comes from none other than John Cena, who referred to the opening 10 minutes of the movie as "like a movie in itself," suggesting it's going to be incredibly action-packed.

While it's tough to imagine actors like Kinnaman, Courtney, and especially Davis agreeing to come back for mere cameos, the film's cast announcement literally included the tagline "don't get too attached," so it's clear that some of the cast aren't going to be sticking around for long.
