10 Most Irritating Subplots In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

By Jack Pooley /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is this crazy, wonderful thing, which has in a mere six years become the third-highest-grossing movie franchise in cinema history, falling not too far behind Harry Potter and James Bond (which it will surely overtake with the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron next year). It is a shining example of casting, writing and direction all colluding brilliantly together, and though most of the MCU films are very far from perfect, for Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige to weave such a believably intertwined universe is nothing short of a miracle, as evidenced by the countless stalled efforts to get the equivalent machine, Justice League, running for DC Comics. For every awesome character arc and brilliant set-piece, there is inevitably going to be the occasional narrative thread here or there that just doesn't hit the mark, either because it's not dramatic enough, it's too silly, it just feels like filler, or maybe it frustratingly hasn't been resolved and left viewers in the lurch. Whatever the reason, these 10 subplots have infuriated us more than they've intrigued, amused or entertained. Of course, perhaps you disagree entirely, so please feel free to argue in the comments!