10 Legendary Quotes from Anchorman

With Anchorman 2 in the pipeline, we thought it was a great opportunity to look back at the 10 best quotes from the original movie.

By Luke Stevenson /

Following yesterdays big announcement which sent all those with funny bones into fits of jovial dancing, and even those without funny bones into a mild, slightly restrained €˜white guy€™ dancing, we over here at WhatCulture towers believe the best way to rejoice in our ecstasy fuelled Anchorman 2 excitement is by revisiting just what was so great about the original; it€™s quotability. Be it random, be it emotionally apt, be it just Steve Carell saying absolutely anything about anything; Anchorman is one of the most hilarious pieces of scripted cinema ever made and this is what I will be celebrating, because I have too much time on my hands, Anchorman 2 is coming out and I€™m incredibly excited, and these quotes are genius, apt and ones you all have said from time to time...

10. €˜By the beard of Zeus!€™ €“ Ron Burgundy

Why it€™s an awesome quote: Well it€™s without a doubt the truest embodiment of pure amazement that has ever been committed to cinema. Daniel Day Lewis, the greatest method actor around, could try to embody the role of a amazement response expert and still never act as amazed as that line allows you to believe. Not only is it bizarre and funny but it truly encompasses a depth of immediate emotion felt towards Veronica Corningstone. What could make it not awesome: If it was the toe of Zeus. Toe€™s just make things weird.

9. €˜You scorpion woman!€™ €“ Ron Burgundy

Why it€™s an awesome quote: The fact that this accurately describes about 99% of the blood sucking, happiness thieving harpies we as a race have decided to call €˜women€™ is not the only thing that€™s brilliant about this quote. It€™s truly the only way you could only ever imagine Ron Burgundy describing anger at someone, and it€™s done very well with Will Ferrell€™s absolute dead pan delivery both making us crack up with laughter and actually be a little offended ourselves. Furthermore, if you€™re lucky enough to find one of the 1% of the blood sucking, happiness thieving harpies we as a race have decided to call €˜women€™ (in which case you€™re lying to yourself) and you both have even the smallest sense of humour; you shout this out in a petty argument, not only will it stop it with hysterical laughter, but it will result in a trip to pleasure town. What could make it not awesome: He called her a lizard woman; that would just be one step too far.

8. €˜There were horses, a man on fire and I killed a man with a trident.€™ €“ Brick Tamland

Why it€™s an awesome quote: Aw Brick, a character who, if you replaced him with Forrest Gump, may have made that film worthy of the Oscar it won in the place of The Shawshank Redemption; and this is his Poseidon of lines (see what I did there? Poseidon? God of the seas? Carries a tride-...Never mind) This line embodies him, bizarre, blunt and just so sweetly innocent. What could make it not awesome: He killed a man with a knife. There is something just so much cooler about a man wielding trident.

7. €˜We need you. Hell, I need you. I'm a mess without you. I miss you so damn much! I miss being with you. I miss being *near* you. I miss your laugh! I miss your scent. I miss your musk... When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together!€™ €“ Champ Kind

Why it€™s an awesome quote: Because it€™s such an open display of male bonding, something men wish they could say to one another but are too emotionally inverted to go out there and say. It€™s a deep, tender, emotional moment...And the only funny thing Champ Kind ever says. What could make it not awesome: He didn€™t miss his smell...You know you€™re bonded when you miss the way someone smells.

6. '60% of the time it works...every time.' - Brian Fantana

Why it€™s an awesome quote: It€™s such a man thing to say when they€™re trying to impressive, illogical, ridiculous and complete and utter bullshit. The believability of this scenario helps root you in the world of Anchorman, as preposterous as this is, men believe this because it€™s true...60% of the time it works...every time. Seriously it works. What could make it not awesome: If the sex panther actually worked every time, that€™s just not cricket.

5. €˜Hey, where did you get your clothes the ...toilet...store.€™ €“ Brick Tamland

Why it€™s an awesome quote: Genius within its stupidity (yeah, that makes sense). A line which makes little sense, is foolish, but is sure enough impacting enough to silence anyone you ever say this to. The Brick guide to comebacks is one that will win you any argument. What could make it not awesome: If it was a kitchen appliance, toilet humour is the most effective.

4. €˜They named it San Diago, which in German means, a whales vagina.€™- Ron Burgundy

Why it€™s an awesome quote: Really? Does this need explaining? (Well technically none of this needs explaining, I just enjoy the sound of my own inside typing voice too much to stop). Another great man moment, when trying to impress women with knowledge you don€™t have, just make it up. Relateable, and uproariously hilarious. What could make it not awesome: If that was what San Diago meant. Actually no, that would make it more awesome.

3. €˜I don€™t know what we€™re yelling about!€™ €“ Brick Tamland

Why it€™s an awesome quote: True to form, Brick shows us once more how much of a real life person he is. People you know arguing? Join in. Don€™t know what they€™re talking about? Join in harder. It€™s like being a 13 year old over again. What could make it not awesome: If he did know what they were yelling about...Simple enough really.


Why it€™s an awesome quote: Because it€™s what all men want to do. When men have found themselves one of the 1% of the blood sucking, happiness thieving harpies we as a race have decided to call €˜women€™, they would like to scream about it as loud as humanly possible. Which is what Ron does, also the context of the situation is brilliant €˜No-one can know..€™ *Ron yells*. Simple. Funny. Genius. What could make it not awesome: He says it quietly.

1. 'I love lamp' - Brick Tamland

Why it€™s an awesome quote: It. Just. Is. One of the most enduring quotes from a movie, and one that is constantly quoted by Ikea employees, sad lonely people and people who have seen Anchorman. It€™s sweet. It€™s honest and it€™s delivered brilliantly. What could make it not awesome: Not possible, it€™s the most perfect quote. Ever. Since the dawn of humanity. What do you think? What's your favourite Anchorman quote? Have I missed any good ones? Comment below!