10 Lessons The Movie Industry Can Learn From Christopher Nolan

By Alex Leadbeater /

In my opinion there isn't a finer director working in the studio system than Christopher Nolan. Or out of it for that matter. From humble beginnings crafting cult classics, Nolan is now a powerhouse in blockbuster filmmaking who over the past decade has totally revolutionised the industry. With The Dark Knight Trilogy, a series that actually became an instant classic, rather just being declared one by critics, he brought a dark and brooding, yet realistic slant to big budget movies that has since been adopted as standard; a film like The Avengers being light is now a key point of discussion. Obviously that€™s misunderstanding what makes his films so great; The Dark Knight didn€™t work just because it was serious. And likewise Inception wasn€™t awesome purely because it was different, although the subgenre of grounded sci-fi (Looper, Source Code and to a lesser extent The Adjustment Bureau) begs to differ. But the studios are on to something; the brilliance isn't just a Nolan trait, but something within the film's make up they can use to their advantage. They€™re just missing what it is. Christopher Nolan is a microcosm of how the studio system could be; within his methods are elements that could be extrapolated industry wide. So without any more exposition (sadly unlike Chris not delivered amongst a startling action sequence), here are ten such lessons that modern Hollywood could take from Christopher Nolan. Yes this is coming from a Nolan fan, but hopefully even his most staunch detractors will see there's some problems with cinema that his example could solve.