10 Life Lessons That Parents Wish Hollywood Would Stop Teaching Their Kids

By Eric Ravenscraft /

Sometimes that worry is for very good reason. Just take a look at these ten things Hollywood keeps on teaching kids. We don't mean just once, either. These keep coming back, over and over, until before long they just feel normal. They're tropes by this point. Such as...


10. Violence And Murder Solve Everything And Have No Lasting Consequences

This hardly needs an explanation, but I'm going to give you one anyway. Even the "young kid gets picked on, learns martial arts, beats up his bullies" is a tired cliché at this point, but take something as seemingly innocuous as the Wizard of Oz. A young girl finds herself thrust into an unfamiliar land where she accidentally kills a prominent figure that spearheads a culture of violence and chaos. With nary a thought on establishing peaceful relations between the West and the North, Dorothy takes it upon herself to seek foreign aid from a controversial superpower and, in an effort to get home, murders yet another allegedly "wicked" witch (though her crimes appear to be limited to shoe lust which, lets be honest, is not all that uncommon). Perhaps more annoying than the persistent trend towards teaching kids that standing up to their problems and fighting for what's right consists of literally fighting bad guys, is the tendency to dress it up as though it's not really violence. Except when it is. One example that comes to mind as a particular irony is Pokémon The First Movie. The central theme of this show is training animals to battle one another. However, when one Pokémon clones others and forces them to fight, suddenly it becomes wrong. So, remember kids! You should work your hardest to be the best, most violent person around! Except when fighting is wrong. But if someone fights wrongly, you should fight back with your correct fighting to fight right. Or something. Oh, and while we're on the subject of Pokémon...