10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Surprises The Trailers Ruined

Teaser footage has stolen Thor's thunder.

By Mark Langshaw /

Making trailers is a fine art. They need to sell the film, introduce the characters, generate intrigue, and do all of this without giving away too many spoilers.


For all of the teething problems and growing pains the DC movie series has suffered, Justice League is a fine example of this art. The movie's trailers focus on the heroes, show snippets of action and establish the tone, but are relatively free of plot details.

It isn't often that DC gets one over on bitter rival Marvel on the big screen these days, but that's exactly what it's done here since the House of M's next film, Thor: Ragnarok, has been spoiled to death during its promotional campaign.

The entire plot of the thunder god's next adventure has been outed almost entirely by its trailers. All that's left to reveal is how it ends, but no doubt Avengers: Infinity War's debut trailer will offer a few clues about that when it finally arrives.

This is a problem that has dogged Marvel Cinematic Universe movies dating back to the original Iron Man. Their trailers are never anything short of epic, but they just can't hold their own water.

10. Iron Man - The Original Armour's Cameo

Iron Man's debut trailer was suitably explosive, arriving on the scene all guns blazing to herald the dawning of a new age of superhero movies.


It did almost everything right, showing off the film's incendiary action scenes, dazzling special effects, emotional core and Robert Downey Jr's razor-sharp wit, but in hindsight, it was a little too revealing.

The teaser footage highlights the entire evolution of the first-generation Iron Man armour, charting its origins from clunky prototype to iconic red and gold.

The original suit Tony Stark creates while in the custody of the Ten Rings organisation is a homage to the one he wore during his first comic book appearance in Tales of Suspense #39, and its presence in the film should have been kept under wraps.

Seeing Stark burst from his prison cell with the original Iron Man armour fully assembled would have been a great Easter egg for the Marvel Comic diehards. Who would have suspected that a Marvel relic dating back to 1963 would be included in the film if the trailers hasn't given the game away?
